Sunday, January 29, 2012

A few new SKETCH+'s...

Here are a few new sketch+'s for a little side project game idea [that's been floating around in my head for YEARS] that I'm whittling on-  Planning on trying to develop the game/ characters by doing a series of quick little pieces [+ potentially turning a few of them into (cutouts)?].  As you can see this game includes one of my most-favorite types of fictional midgets in the whole world:  LEPRECHAUNS!
[...  I can totally see getting obsessed with drawing these little guys].

...  Enjoy,

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Hey there!,

Here's a *light* polish pass on a few sketches that I've done over the last year-ish-  Might take them a bit further, might not-  Either way, most of them include characters that I'm a bit fond of [you MAY even recognize some from sketches past] so expect to see more of them [in some form or other] in the future...

Hopefully I'll be using this mini-project as a launch back into getting more *ME*art done in 2012!! [ps.  the various symbols scattered throughout some of the images are all TopSecret notes.  MooHooHeeHahHah...].

...This one was my quick take on a piece that my buddy, Junkyard Sam did a while back.

Until   next   time!,