Tuesday, July 15, 2008

HALLOWEEN collection PROGRESS pt. 01...

so... although these pieces won't be ready in time for the show i was originally planning them for, i was quite inspired by the theme, "HALLOWEEN" [what artist isn't;)?]. + much like my putting the christmas tree up 2-3 months early to "milk more christmas excitement out of the holiday", it's almost like i'm starting the HALLOWEEN festivities 3+ month early!!

i immediately got to sketching, and after 20+ sketches [of the elements that will live in the pieces], there was quite a bit of scanning to be done, followed by a little weeding [out the ideas that i wasn't "feeling"]. and although i'm quite aware of the rule to incorporate elements for the viewers to recognize/ associate with, i found myself straying a bit from the more stereotypical HALLOWEEN elements [besides the TONS of pumpkins & a few more tombstones i'll be adding;)], and sticking more to the fun stuff: BEASTIES!

after that i opened up 3 new 8X24" images, and started experimenting with where each ELEMENT fit in best [and i'll letcha in on a little secret: sometimes they're duplicated;)]. after that i printed them all out [breaking them up into 3 letter-sized pages] on the crappy printer [i save my top-end pigment ink for the prints], taped them all together. i then traced them up onto the canvas, got a feel for what areas need a bit of help, drew up some filler type BG elements, and traced those onto the canvas as well, and now [although not reflected in the images below]... they're ready to paint!!

in progress, "untitled_a"

in progress, "untitled_b"

in progress, "untitled_c"

so! plenty left to go, but i'm quite excited about their potential! i'll be taking a bit of a break to work on a piece for an upcoming show, but will be sure to post more progress shots, as soon as paint finds it's way to the canvas.

... patenaude


Junkyard Sam said...

Loving the art, loving your enthusiasm. =)

Unknown said...

Brian! How have you been? I'm glad you have one of these blog things. :D
Digging your work man, keep em coming.