Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sketch+: Lambada Series

More sketch +'s-  Might start collecting the quick 'pieces' created in a given week [or other random time frame] and assigning a name to the 'series', so...  let's call this group the 'LAMBADA SERIES'...
"I was *THE* ORIGINAL New Year's baby model...  Now look at me..."
'Might be allergies', he declared.

^Really like this guy-  Keep digging him up during various projects-  Hoping to get him in a game some day:)^
^Ver.02, Added a bit more highlighting + shadows [in addition to playing with the colors], but still keeping it light/ flattish.  Thought it might be nice to post a bit of the progress-  Will probably hang it up for now + move onto the next.^

...  All for now,

1 comment:

Junkyard Sam said...

TOP ONE is AWESOME and... you owe me a royalty for using my likeness! BHWAHAhahahaah