Every once in a while I run across a bit of art that I _barely_ remember creating. Sifting through old canvases, sketch pads, directories, etc. Tonight I did just that while digging through some old art to repurpose for some tShirts.
In this case, I was shooting to create a small series using some of the components [characters + background elements] that I'd created for another series of which I ended up _hating_ the final product. Since I actually kinda dug the elements/ components of this comps, I wanted these guys to have another go at it- Anyway- This is as far as they got [In-progress shots of PSD comps]...
... Might dump more of this type of stuff on here in the future, if for no other reason than to not have them die in vain;)
Oh! And here's another that I just stumbled across...
... Forgot what year I incompletely whipped this guy up- Maybe ~2009? Have always REALLY dug him for some reason- Might take him further in the future:) |
... ENJOY,